Fun things we did during winter camp!

We played a bunch of games, some of them were really fun, here they are :

the unsolved case of Zoe and Avery, which I don’t think we actually solved 😂
In this game, we had letters in front of us and we had to say as many as words we could with those letters, it was really chaotic and fun I would definitely want to play this again.
Our team won!
We went ice skating! even though I couldn’t do it and fell a few times, it was still very fun.
We worked with Clay, and I think I discovered a new hobby.
We had nothing to do for some time so we had really fun with some karaoke.
We did a project called “24 hours at school” and it was truly the highlight of our winter camp for me.

We had so much fun I wish I could live it again 😂

Antarah ibn Shaddad’s love life.

He fell in love with his cousin ʿAblah, but could not hope to marry her owing to his position. He also gained the enmity of his father’s wife Shammeah.

He gained attention and respect for himself by his remarkable personal qualities and courage in battle, excelling as an accomplished poet and a mighty warrior. He earned his freedom after another tribe invaded the lands of the Banu ʿAbs. When his father said to him, “ʿAntarah, fight with the warriors”, he replied that “the slave doesn’t know how to invade or how to defend, but is only good for milking goats and serving his masters”. His father answered him: “Defend your tribe, O ʿAntar, and you are free”. After defeating the invaders, he sought to gain permission to marry his cousin. To secure allowance to marry, Antarah had to face challenges including getting a special kind of camel from the northern Arab kingdom of the Lakhmids, then under Al-Nu’man III ibn al-Mundhir.

First week of winter camp


We tried to solve the unsolved case of Zoe and Avery, some were really into it, others weren’t. we didn’t finish it ’cause it was a pretty big murder case.


In the morning we went to kegharvest tbrots and made little plates and cups out of clay.
Then, we played a game of mafia.
And we also played “alias”.

Wednesday (I was absent)

Razmamarzagan day.
And played ping-pong in a class.


We had some time to kill before heading to dance class so we played songs on the TV and sang with it.
We learned a new dance which was really had for some of us.


We worked with Clay again, and unfortunately this is the only picture we have 😂